Join us for the next San Francisco Bay Area Web Analytics Wednesday on 4/21 following ad:tech at EVE Lounge in downtown San Francisco. This new venue will be a great setting to mingle over drinks with curious onlookers and attendees of the nearby ad:tech conference.
Geary Interactive is sponsoring the 1st round of drinks, so RSVP to get on the list!
Location: EVE Lounge
Address: 575 Howard Street @ 2nd. San Francisco, CA 94105
Sponsor: Geary Interactive
Date: 4/21
Time: 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Please help spread the word by tweeting today:
RT @mdhvw Next HUGE #SF Web Analytics Wed 4/21 @EveLounge near @adtech sponsored by @gearyi RSVP: #measure Pls RT!
Official Website:
Added by Michael D. Healy on April 14, 2010