The SFBAY chapter of the ACM is holding this event:
The pony express. Towns in Kansas. Claude and Ignace Chappe. Birds of the Salton sea. How are these related?
The Web is full of lists describing the “what” of Web 2.0, but where is the list of the reasons “why?” Through an examination of the past, learn why Web 2.0 was a pre-destined consequence of social psychology, military dollars, and determined hackers and entrepreneurs.
Come explore with us where the Web will be tomorrow and beyond by extending the same rich patterns which tie all these events and locations together.
Speaker: Rolf Skyberg
As Disruptive Innovator at eBay, Rolf Skyberg investigates the creation of engaging buyer experiences. While at eBay he has focused on inspiring new ways of approaching problems and exploring them from a holistic viewpoint. His particular interests include forming socio-retail spaces and leveraging adopted technology to reduce buyer frictions. Rolf has a BS in Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis with additional studies in System Science. He has worked in technology since before the first bust and hopes to continue thinking up great ideas through the second boom.
Official Website:
Added by marstein on May 1, 2007