9601 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

Chestnut Hill College will host a one day workshop, “Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning” on Friday, January 15, 2010 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Martino Hall, Room 216. Pamela Livingston, education technology expert and author of “1 to 1 Learning: Laptop Programs That Work” will be the instructor for the seminar. Chestnut Hill College is located at 9601 Germantown Avenue.

The one-day seminar will provide hand-on instruction in Web 2.0 tools for teaching higher and K-12 education, with an emphasis on how educators goals can be realized using Web 2.0 technology. The seminar will also cover how students and adults can learn in classes and courses with a Web 2.0 format.

This seminar is tailored to college educators and teachers from grades K-12 who are interested in learning powerful new tools and are looking for more experience with current technologies in the classroom. The seminar will also cater to those with technological expertise who are looking to enhance and expand their knowledge, and want to keep up with current technological trends. Web 2.0 tools that will be reviewed at the seminar include Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting, Voicethreads, Animoto, Wordle, Elluminate, Jingproject, and Google Maps, Docs, and Surveys, in addition to other technologies.
During the seminar, participants will prepare and present a small project on a Web 2.0 tool. Examples of how Web 2.0 tools are used in an educational setting will be continuously provided and discussed. The seminar will also touch upon adult learners, 21st century skills, and today’s millennial students. A Wiki will be available to all participants during and after the seminar to communicate with classmates and the instructor with links to all tools. At the conclusion of the seminar, teachers and faculty members will understand Web 2.0 tools and their benefits, how to set up these technologies and choose the correct tool for their organization, as well as the challenges and constraints of Web 2.0 technology.

Pamela Livingston has spent the past sixteen years directing education technology programs at schools. She currently leads education technology projects at the headquarters of Edison Learning, which partners with charter, public and virtual schools around the United States. The author of “1-to-1 Learning: Laptop Programs That Work,” Pamela has designed and taught two courses at Chestnut Hill College and is a graduate of the applied technology program.

The registration fee for the seminar is $50 and includes lunch and light refreshments. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop computers, and computers will be available for use. Registration will remain open until all spots are filled. For more information or to register, please contact Ralph E. Swan, Ph.D. at swanr@chc.edu

Official Website: http://www.chc.edu

Added by chc.publicrelations on December 11, 2009