Join Co-Hosts, Gina Gaudio-Graves ("The JV Queen" & Dean & Founder of and Ronda Del Boccio ("The Story Lady" of, as they talk with Web 2.0 Marketing Specialist and Video Expert, Lasse Rouhiainen on "Relationship Marketing 101".
Lasse Rouhiainen is the author of "La Web de Empresa 2.0". Lasse speaks on YouTube, Facebook & Twitter. He helps companies and entrepreneurs promote their business online using cost effective techniques.
Lasse's huge social network includes:
* YouTube – more than 600,000 views
* Twitter – more than 16,000 followers
* Facebook – more than 2,000 fans on the fan page LasseVideo
Join us for "Relationship Marketing 101" when Lasse shares his strategy for getting these results from building relationships through Social Media!
Be sure to click the request reminder icon so you remember to join us each week!
Official Website:
Added by gina.gaudio.graves on March 6, 2011