50 Third Street
San Francisco, California

The second annual Web 2.0 conference, put on by O'Reilly, is happening again in San Francisco. The conference "explores the ongoing evolution of the Web as a business platform, featuring the leading figures and companies driving innovation in the internet economy."

Added by caterina on April 16, 2005



Huynya etot vash portal


this is apemanchen from Beijing,A blogger working in the Bokee.com,my blog---http://www.blaog.com(in chinese).I would like to have some more materials about this conference,to publish on my blog,in order to introduce it to all chinese blogers.
please do me a favor,thank you.
MSN: xujiatao05@hotmail.com
E-mail: apemanchen@yahoo.com.cn
Blog: www.blaog.com


Anybody have idea how we can still attend this event without registering?


bjornlee: hold a session on DIY conference credentials. ;)