This event is by invitation only not open to the public. Ticket required for entry.
$$ Be A Millionaire $$
Did you know that:
More Millionaires were created during the Great Depression than any other time before that?
Economists expect this Great Recession to last just as long as the Great Depression?
The Great Depression lasted for nine Years!
Are there people who you want to help but cant because money is tight?
What will you do if the economy doesnt get any better in the next six months?
Are you secure at your job?
What if it gets even worse?
Are you living paycheck to paycheck?
What would happen if you were downsized tomorrow?
Are your children financially literate?
Is there more month left at the end of your money?
Are you going to participate in this Great Recession?
You Have A Choice!!
Choose NOT to participate by educating yourself on how to become richer while everyone else seems to be getting poorer. Millionaires are being created in record numbers every DAY! Do you want to be one of them? If you have always dreamed of a better life for you and your family, then you owe it to yourself and to them to attend: The Wealth Builder & Financial Literacy Workshop on March 28th
Sign up to learn from a Multi-Millionaire, who owns over 40 companies, how you can become a part of the solution and not part of the problem. You dont have to be a victim of this stressed economy. Open to adults AND children from 12 years of age and up.
Tickets: $22.50 per person
Seating is limited. Register for this life changing event today! Choose payment method at top of page to get your tickets. Call (972) 713-7363 if you have problems registering.
Organized by Chad & Cinnamon Epley
Legendary visionary, founder and operator of more than a dozen innovative companies, including Nouveau Riche, Jim Pic Piccolo, has been teaching people for years how to get control of their household spending. Pic is now taking this program to a whole new level with one-day workshops designed to educate thousands on this essential topic that is at the core of our national economic state! His simple step-by-step system can be implemented without any fancy software and managed by dedicating as little as 10 minutes a day to help you to build the financial future that you desire. This grassroots approach to financial literacy will help you get back to the basics and back on top of your finances, starting TODAY!
Ticket Info: Wealth Workshop Ticket, $23.49
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