'Learn how You Can Get REO homes for Pennies on the Dollar!'and'Healthy to the Bone!'
Join usMarch 18th, 2009 for an outstanding evening.
First Presentation from 6 pm to 8 pm:
Learn how You Can Get REO homes forPennies on the Dollar!
More Millionaires are made in this type of economythan in any other!Paul LeJoy and Farooq KhanTop Gun Real EstateInstructors
Paul LeJoy is an experienced REO (bank-owned property) real estate broker based in the San Francisco Bay area. He has seen investors make tons of money buying REOs and is commited to helping clients do the same.
Farooq Khan is an experienced REO (bank-owned property) real estate agent working with REOs and Short Sales based in the San Francisco Bay area. He is also an experienced trader who consistently makes profit from the market regardless of whether it goes up or down.
Paul Lejoy and Farooq Khan carry bank-owned inventory and have witnessed a frenzy of activity at listings, the average of which lasts just a few days on the market!
At the REOs presentation, here are some of the things you will learn:
How to make a lot of Money buying REOs
How to Cashflow and become rich in the California market
How to attract a truckload of buyers to the properties that you acquire for pennies on the dollar
How to flip properties immediately and make money
How to buy bulk REOs and offload them fast
How to buy discounted notes from lenders and cashflow BIG time
How To buy REO listings or the bulk REOs from the lending sources
Paul and Farooq are passionate about helping investors achieve success in investing!In fact their motto is "Creating Wealth and Lasting Relationships"Join us on our March 3rd Webinar to learn how to make money with REOs!
SecondPresentation from8 pm to9 pm:
Healthy to the Bone!
Irma BattigWellness Consultant
How will your bones age?
Strong bones are vitally important for healthy living. They are essential:
For protection and mobility
As a source for supplying vital minerals to our body
The Problem:The bone health status of Americans appears to be in jeopardy, and left unchecked will only get worse as the population ages.
Each year, approximately 1.5 million individuals suffer an osteoporotic-related fracture. By 2020, an estimated 50% of the population over 50 will suffer from osteoporosis, leading to bone fractures, oftentimes longtime nursing care, and in 20% of women, death.
Calcium supplements tend to be ineffective, sometimes counterproductive. Drugs have serious side-effects, and many people can't take them because of pre-existing health conditions.
The Solution:Men as well as women start losing bone mass after age 40. Your doctor may not bring up this topic; it is your responsibility to be proactive!
Aging gracefully and being able to stay active in your advanced years is in your hands! Learn from Wellness Consultant Irma Battig about a safe and effective approach to turn back your biological clock and keep your bones healthy - or repair the damage that has already occurred!
Register Nowthrough the link at the topof this pageSee You onMarch 18th, 2009Radisson Dublin/Pleasanton HotelRegistration starts at5:30 pmProgram Starts at 6:00 pm Sharp!
Organized by Wealth and Health NetworkWealth Strategies & Self Care Tips You Can Use to Build Wealth & Better Health.
Discover how you can build wealth in today's market. Learn how to make the right investment decision by getting the proper education and information on business, and real estate investment opportunities.
Learn how to better take care of your health through timely information and tips on health and nutrition.
Two Life Changing presentations every month; one on wealth andthe otheron health.
Ticket Info: Individual, Free
Official Website: http://march18-upcoming.eventbrite.com