Annual We Media event with a focus on Game Changes -- people, products and organizations that are making a difference, a significant shift, in the world and how things work. Redefining media, what it means and how it happens.
Let's just move on to the take-aways. The We Media conference can make you a Game Changer. You’ll leave with a better sense of where the world is headed, a set of Aha!s you can apply back home, a network of new relationships to help you succeed, and the inspiration to change the world one step at a time. Or perhaps the tactics that can change the future of your organization in 2 days.
Day 1 is dedicated to the Game Changers and Day 2 is a full day of Pitch it where the up-and-coming tell their story.
Official Website:
Added by blaing on August 13, 2008
That very true - the price point leaves most up and coming entrepreneurs completely out of the look. Time to reshape the paradigm
In this economic times, your event is traying to promote ideas OF how to change the world one step at at time, how about setting an example of that principle by setting an amount of invitations to productive enterpreneurs at NO cost, so the hungry minds can benefit of this conference, and depart from that elitestic way of thinking, that got this society to the current reality.