City Mine(d) wonders whether the standards to measure the economy - growth, productivity, unemployment, consumer price, home sales - really give a right image of the wide variety of activities within the community. What City Mine(d) does believe, is that micro-initiatives contribute to well-being and wealth. Micro-initiatives are the actions we take, products we make, services we provide and structures we set up because we think they are right, rather than because they could earn us money. For Affluenza, City Mine(d) takes the stage to show, link, ponder and promote Micro-initiatives. It will challenge the audience to look at the economy from a grassroots level, and with them will try to identify the smallest building block of our economy. Because they believe that not money makes the world go round; but we all make the economy, stupid!
Organized by The Affluenza ExhibitionThe Affluenza Exhibition is a multi-disciplinary visual arts exhibition, talk and event series, organised in collaboration with the Samaritans. 19-28 March 2009, London
Ticket Info: We all make the economy stupid, £8.00
Official Website: http://theaffluenzaexhibition2-upcoming.eventbrite.com