The best rated Official iPhone Unlock service now
offers official factory unlocks for US-based handsets
locked to top three networks - Verizon Wireless, AT&T
and Sprint. While many websites emerged that
advertise five minute unlocks, one should use such
sites with caution as 99% of them simply sell an iPhone
"jailbreak" which is NOT equivalent to sim unlocking.
First of all, one runs a risk of picking up a computer
virus when downloading software from an unknown
developer. Secondly, and more importantly, no software
can permanently unlock an iPhone because it has been
locked by the manufacturer to prevent users from
switching over to a different network without following
an established unlocking procedure which requires
meeting certain prerequisites.
The Way's 2 Official team have been working hard to add
major U.S. mobile carriers to the list of supported
networks. Now, one can take full advantage of their
unlocking service and it is also competitively priced.
Stop wasting time and money on useless websites that
do not deliver - get a permanent unlock and start using
the phone anywhere in the world by simply swapping a
sim card.
HERE Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone CDMA/GSM
By having the handset marked as unlocked in the
Apple's IMEI database, one can rest assured that the
warranty won't be compromised, one will be able to get
all future iOS (Operating System) upgrades and never
fear to have their phone re-locked by Apple. An
unlocked device can be used on any network
throughout the world which implies savings on data and
air charges when traveling, by using a local provider.
Two Common Myths
Myth: "jailbreaking" can unlock an iPhone.
Truth: "jailbreaking" means gaining access to the
operating system of the iPhone in order to be able to
download apps, themes and extensions unavailable via official Apple's app store. It does not sim unlock an iPhone.
Myth: it is illegal to unlock an iPhone and there is no legitimate way of doing it.
Truth: as far as legal matters, there is absolutely no law that prohibits iPhone unlocking. A carrier controls this process
and working with the carrier is all it takes to get an official unlock.
OfficialiPhoneUnlock white lists the device directly in the Apple's database. And since it is not some software hack,
there is no need to know which bootloader, firmware or basebands the device uses. While this release just announced
unlocks for iPhone 5, the service can also unlock all previous versions including iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4S.
The entire unlocking process is completed online. Simply provide us with the IMEI number, current network and the
iPhone model. After white-listing it in the Apple's database, all one needs to do is connect to iTunes to finalize the
unlocking process. Depending on the network, the turnaround times may vary from a few minutes to ten days. This is
an official, permanent solution and it may be worth waiting a few days.
OfficialiPhoneUnlock is a five-stars Google Reviewed, registered and BBB-accredited business.
Visit Official iPhone Unlocking service now! iPhone Unlocking & Jailbtraking
Added by Kjuhsder Kisdesa on November 16, 2012