Rose 1 - Personal Healing with the Power of the Rose
With Sandy Humby MIPTI
Creative Channel for The Way of The Rose TM
New Jersey Date: Saturday October 20 10am - 4.30pm
Venue: Spring Meadow Farm, Hope, New Jersey
‘The Way of the Rose’ is a beautiful programme exploring and working with the Sacred Wisdom and Healing Power contained within the geometry and vibration of the Rose... The work is shared through visual imaging, storytelling and attuning to 11 powerful Rose energies which form the foundation of ‘The Way of The Rose’ work.
Experience these powerful energies for yourself in the workshop and feel how the Roses can balance and heal you at a physical and emotional level and support your clarity and inner peace... See and feel how the Rose healing grids work and how you can easily incorporate these energies into your day to day life... In meditation, clearing and charging food, enhancing your space and helping you keep centred and focussed in these changing times... The Rose energies also work very well woven into other healing/therapeutic modalities.
This workshop offers the opportunity to.......
*Deepen your heart centred awareness and
trust in your Intuitive guidance
*Empower your authentic feminine voice
*Bring balance to inner Masculine and Feminine
*Understand and improve your relationships
*See and release residual old patterns and programmes
*Create space and fertile soil for new potentials
*Learn new ways to Master your energy
Cost: $125.00 to include your set of 'The Way of The Rose' energy cards
Reserve your place
Contact Renae at
908 797-5225
Official Website:
Added by GetPromotd Services on September 18, 2012