Join Watson Adventures on a spooky scavenger hunt for adults!
BOO! Sorry to startle you like that, but you might as well prepare now for this “spirited” search for the ghosts and historic highlights of this, um, bewitching town. Armed with only a flashlight, you’ll learn the tales of the restless souls you disturb. Find out how Witch Trials villain Sheriff Corwin has helped one house become the “fourth most haunted” in America, visit locations associated with the crushed-to-death execution of suspected wizard Giles Corey and assorted witches, see where Nathaniel Hawthorne met a ghost, and learn from one murder victim why you should never brag about treasure hidden in your home.
Price: $20.50 per person. Advance purchase is required via Questions? Call 877-9GO-HUNT.
Official Website:
Added by WatsonAdventures on April 23, 2012