Saturday, April 28 – 7:30 PM
Waterfront Noir Double Feature: New 35mm Print! SLAUGHTER ON TENTH AVENUE, 1956, Universal, 103 min. This stepson to ON THE WATERFRONT packs a wallop of its own. An upstart district attorney (Richard Egan) tries to crack the New York waterfront’s mob-enforced code of silence and mete out justice for a murdered whistleblower. Jan Sterling is terrific as the victim’s widow, heading a dynamite supporting cast of familiar and fantastic character actors, including Dan Duryea, Charles McGraw, Sam Levene and Walter Matthau. Lawrence Roman’s fact-based script is vigorously directed by Arnold Laven. [35mm]
EDGE OF THE CITY, 1957, Warner Bros., 85 min. Another gritty exploration of life on the Manhattan docks that’s also a powerful look at 1950s race relations. Sidney Poitier and John Cassavetes play working-class pals driven apart by ignorance and racism (exemplified by a virulent thug, played brilliantly by Jack Warden). Martin Ritt’s stunning directorial debut, based on Robert Alan Aurthur’s 1955 teleplay “A Man Is Ten Feet Tall.” Not entirely noir, but a smart and suspenseful drama overdue for rediscovery! Discussion between films with actress Julie Adams. Introduction by film noir expert Alan Rode. [35mm]
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Added by AmericanCinematheque on March 25, 2012