Lecture for registered participants: 7 pm, Tuesday, November 30, at the Museum. Field Trip*: 8:30 am, Saturday, December 4 - 3:00 pm, Sunday, December 5. *Participants are responsible for transportation, meals, and accommodation. Recommendations and carpool connections will be made available. Breathtaking views of flocks of tens of thousands of Snow Geese, so dense that they literally "whiten the sky", bring visions of a California only our ancestors experienced. You will have the opportunity to view thousands of birds: Sandhill Cranes, Bald and Golden Eagles, hawks, falcons, geese and ducks of several species, Tundra Swans, White-faced Ibis, and other birds in the remnants of the marshes where they have been wintering since the dawn of time. The class will spend two days in the field at various refuges and reserves witnessing this incredible gathering of birds seeking relief from the freezing temperatures of their Arctic nesting grounds. A pre-trip lecture and slide show will prepare participants to fully appreciate the spectacle they are about to witness.
Added by Upcoming Robot on November 8, 2010