Water...the source of life in the universe. At the same time, water is taken for granted here in the Bay Area. We will discuss water resources in California including water supply, security, and the battle between agricultural and residential use.
Professor John Dracup from UC Berkeley will discuss California water management. It is a complicated issue...an intersection of historical, legal, policy, science, and engineering aspects.
We will explore the available water resources in California. What is the current demand? Will California be able to keep up with demand over the next few years? Are we prepared for prolonged drought conditions? Are there plans to make any more water available (i.e. build more reservoirs)?
Second, we will discuss the state of the water management system. Many systems for cities are not technologically up to date (more than 50 years old). What is needed to bring these systems up to date? What is the impact if we do not? Where does basic water conservation fit in?
Come join the discussion on the battle over water in California.
Official Website: http://www.sciencecafesf.com
Added by FullCalendar on August 12, 2007