Athabasca River Basin Stewardship Conference & AEN Annual General Meeting
Water for Life or Water for Strife?
June 1st - 3rd
Athabasca, Alberta
in partnership with the Athabasca River Basin Coalition Conference hosted by the Crooked Creek Conservancy, Athabasca University, Athabasca Peace Initiative and Heritage Society and the AEN Water Caucus.
Save the date of June 1st thru 3rd to join with you Albertan Environmental Network colleagues for their Annual General Meeting. This year the meetings will offer an exciting opportunity to support and strengthen existing members and build new ones as we build and launch a coalition focusing on the protection of the Athabasca River.
The weekend will be full of plenaries and panel discussions on water management in the province and for the Athabasca specifically. Speakers currently include: Dr. David Schindler, Dr. John O'Connor, Andrew Nikiforuk, Danielle Droitsch and many more.
AEN AGM and Caucus meetings will parallel the conference (caucuses include: clean air/energy, toxics and waste, forests, water, agriculture, electricity working group and oil sands strategy working group) - joint registration for the conference and AEN meetings will be offered.
This year we are excited to offer full Conference Registration on the AEN Website ( Register today!!
Overview of Conference Program
Friday June 1st - Athabasca River Basin Stewardship Day
Gathering Perspectives on the Athabasca River Basin
A gathering of community organizations, stewardship partners, and citizens to share 'State of the River' perspectives, information, stewardship actions, success stories and concerns. Information about regional stewardship programmes will be available.
Water for Life, Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils, and future possibilities
This is a discussion of the Alberta Water for Life Strategy and the development of Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs) which may include a possible Athabasca River Basin Alliance. Session includes a presentation and discussion of the North Saskatchewan River and other watershed efforts. The creation of an Athabasca River Basin Alliance may include inviting other interested basin stakeholders to develop an Athabasca River Watershed Planning and Advisory Council (WPAC).
Conference Welcome & Reception (Athabasca University Council Chamber)
* Dr.Robert Holmberg, Athabasca University: Overview of Athabasca River Basin Ecosystem
* Possible TBA- Short Overview Athabasca River Management Framework
* Athabasca University President: Dr.Frits Pannkoek- Human River History Overview University Reception
Saturday, June 2 - Development, Management, And Protection Of The Athabasca River Basin
Alberta's Water and the Athabasca River Basin
Mr. Andrew Nikiforuk
Concerns and Governance of the Athabasca River Basin
Invited participants:
* Cumulative Effects Management Association (CEMA)
* Alberta Water Council
* First Nations
* Pembina
AEN Caucus Meetings
Agriculture, Oil Sands Strategy
New Report on the Lower Athabasca River & Discussion
Dr. David Schindler
Lower Athabasca Human Health Concerns & Discussion
Dr. John O'Connor & Dr. David Swann
Multiperspective Panel and Discussion: Future directions: Where do we go from here?
Speakers TBA
AEN Caucus Meetings
Clean/Air Energy, Toxics/Waste Avoidance
Celebration Of Athabasca River: Music, Dance And Art
Sunday, June 3
Muskeg Creek Nature and Stewardship Hike (Muskeg Creek Cabin)
AEN Annual General Meeting
Individual Conservation, Community & Regional Initiatives & Successes
Speakers and Panels on :
* Municipal Water Distribution Systems
* Sewage Innovations
* Personal/household water collection and conservation alternatives
* Regional Lake Management Initiatives
* River Basin Ecotourism Initiatives
AEN Caucus Meetings
Electricity Team, Parks Caucus, Water (?)
for a current draft of the conference program visit the
AEN Website
Official Website:
Added by codytorgerson on May 6, 2007