'Water' is a subtle nod to fantastical realism, where memory and location intertwine with present-day events to bring about a family's transformation. This story, from Detroit native Khary Jackson, centers around a former minister (Larry) who nears the end of a long life, a life sustained by his memories of and love for his late wife. When his daughter (Linda) discovers that he's sick, she brings her family to spend time with Larry. But it's Linda's home life that is unhealthy, and this trip brings the various problems simmering among them to the surface. As these tensions threaten to tear Linda's family apart, Larry guides them through the memories living in his home, allowing them to discover the answers they need. Memory runs into strife, and they build & collide as Linda's daughter inherits a surprising legacy. Produced by Ink & Pulp Theatre Co.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 2, 2009