Washtenaw County Solid Waste Program and Best Buy are sponsoring the last regional environmental clean-up day of the year. The clean-up day will provide a free recycling drop-off service for all county residents. This is an opportunity for the residents of Washenaw County to dispose of many unwanted household wastes in a safe and sustainable manner. The event will be held on September 24th at the Farm Council Grounds (5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd) from 9am to 1pm. At this event the first 100 participants who bring in computers receive a $10 Gift Card to Best Buy.
Numerous household materials can be brought to the environmental clean-up day to be recycled. There will be bins for traditional materials, such as, containers (plastics, glass, tin), cardboard, paper, scrap metal, and Freon appliances (air conditioners and refrigerators). There will also be an opportunity for residents to dispose of Household Hazardous Wastes (cleaning supplies, motor oil, mercury, oil based paints, etc), furniture, old tires, and electronic equipment, like computers, televisions, toasters, etc.
Residents can bring up to 4 tires for free, but will be asked to pay $5 for each additional tire. Residents can bring 1 of the following items for free: television, washer, dryer, Freon containing appliance or computer. Residents will be asked to pay $10 for each additional item.
This is a service for Washtenaw County residents only, funded and coordinated by the Washtenaw County Solid Waste Program on behalf of local units of government. All residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Businesses and non-county residents are restricted from attending.
Added by emv on August 31, 2005