The Washtenaw Area Transportation Study will be holding a public involvement meeting for the Washtenaw County Non-motorized Transportation Plan on November 16th from 4-8pm at the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority Office located at 2700 South Industrial Highway in Ann Arbor. The meeting will be an open forum where interested citizens can review and comment on the goals and objectives set forth by the steering committee. Citizens will have the opportunity to ask questions about the plan and its development as several members of the WATS staff will be present. Those in attendance will also have the opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop where they can identify the non-motorized transportation issues that affect them. If you have any questions about the meeting or the plan, please contact the WATS office at 734-994-3127 or email at
Please feel free to forward on the invitation to anyone and be sure to check our website periodically for updates.
Thanks for your continued interest,
Ryan Buck
Associate Transportation Planner
Washtenaw Area Transportation Study
Added by arborupdate on November 3, 2004