The Washington Elementary School PTA is hosting a Community-Wide Yard Sale on
Saturday, May 2, 2009
8-3 pm
Here’s how it works:
You pay just $20.00 for 4' x 10' space if received before 4/17 ($30.00 if received after 4/17 but before 4/24 ). Bring your own set up (i.e. tables, chairs, etc.), and the items you wish to sell. Feel free to “purchase” as many spots as you want. All of the money you make on your sales is yours to keep and 100% of the cost of the spaces benefits
the Washington Elementary School PTA
Please detach the registration form and return it your payment as soon as possible, spaces
will not be reserved without payment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call
John Lewis - 203-934-8584
Lisa or Ralph Eberle – 203-937-6942
Detach here and return to:
Washington Elementary School PTA
369 Washington Ave. West Haven, Ct. 06516
Daytime Phone Number: ______________________
Number of Spaces Required: __________ Amount Enclosed: __________
Exact cash Or Money Orders only, made payable to Washington Elementary PTA
Absolutely No Checks Accepted
Added by reberle65 on March 30, 2009