Lorraine McConaghy, Museum of History and Industry historian and author
In this illustrated presentation and book signing, McConaghy highlights the history of the USS Decatur through the logbooks, medical and punishment records, correspondence, personal journals, and drawings compiled in the years the ship served in the Pacific, from 1854 to 1859. McConaghy presents the ship, its officers, and its crew in a case study that illuminates the forces that shaped the antebellum Navy and American foreign policy at sea. McConaghy won the Society’s Robert Gray award in June. The Robert Gray award is the highest award bestowed by the Society, recognizing distinguished and long-term contributions to Pacific Northwest history through demonstrated excellence teaching, writing, research, historic preservation, and service to local historical societies. $2 suggested donation. Coffee and tea served. Visit WashingtonHistory.org and click on “State Capital Museum,” then “Events & Programs” for an overview of each lecture. Co-sponsored by the Olympia Yacht Club.
Official Website: http://www.washingtonhistory.org/scmoc/event-programs.aspx
Added by History Museum on July 1, 2010