5800 High Point Drive
Irving, Texas 75038

WARRIOR WRITER WORKSHOPS based on "Who Dares Wins" (maximum of 11 slots)

FACT-78% of Americans say they want to write a novel.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a Best-Selling Author?

Still vowing to finish that novel one day?
Still not published?
Published, but not where you want to be in your career?

Have you joined critique groups? Read stacks of books about writing? Paid big money to attend writing classes and conferences? Do you feel like you have done everything right, yet still something is missing?

Maybe your writing isn't what needs to change. Maybe it's you.
Warrior Writer is a one-of-a-kind Sunday Workshop focusing on you, the author. Behaviors become habits. Habits become character. Character becomes destiny.

So what is your destiny?

In the Warrior Writer Workshop, I apply the battle-tested strategies of the Green Berets to the world of being an author. I've taught thousands of writers over the years, but this new and innovative program probes deeper than words on the page. It is designed to teach you, the writer, how to think, plan, and act like the elite.

The Green Berets are proof these tactics work, and the benefits you'll gain from this workshop will extend far beyond your writing. You will progress through two levels of Who Dares Wins:
1. An overall strategy for change and success.
2. Specific tactics you can apply immediately.

* Define your writing goals and understand why you want to achieve them.
* Examine your environment and locate assets that will aid you in achieving success.
* Zero in on barriers and potential threats to your goal of success.
* Locate your blind spot, the part of your character that hinders you from being as creative as you can be.
* Discover what you fear and how that fear could be sabotaging your short and long-term goals.
* And much, much more!

My Warrior Writer Workshop will help you discover ways to:
1. Overcome procrastination.
2. Finish what you start.
3. Be consistent in your work.
4. Set boundaries for work space and time.
5. Achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Become the change you seek, and take charge of your writing destiny TODAY!!!!

In addition, you will receive copies of THE NOVEL WRITERS TOOKKIT and WHO DARES WINS, Bob's eight-hour DVD on how to write & sell your novel and a personal submission critique on your cover letter, synopsis, and first ten pages--over $200 in value alone!

Added by BryanSays on June 17, 2009

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