3811 Bakerstown Rd.
Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 15044

The Greater Harmony Chorus, Sweet Adelines International will host an Open House each Tuesday in January in an effort to add 20 new singers to our risers.  We sing a cappella four-part harmony in the barbershop tradition.  It is not necessary to read music; we furnish learning tapes and CD's.  YOU might well be a candidate to fill one of our spots.  We rehearse at the Richland Elementary School, 3811 Bakerstown Road, Gibsonia each week 6:45 - 9:45. If the weather is questionable , please call Phyllis at 412-487-1765 to see if rehearsal is cancelled.

Official Website: http://www.greaterharmony.org

Added by greaterharmonychorus on November 25, 2009