I am planning to host another Wangjianshuo's Blog Meetup 10 days from today.
Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008
Location: Starbucks at Jinyan Road, Pudong, Shanghai, near the Science and Technology Museum. I have an article about the place here.
How to get there: Please also check the same article for instructinos.
What is a Meetup?
For my readers who don't know what a meetup is, you can check the Q&A of my first meetup here: Wangjianshuo's Blog Meetup. To be short, it is just an opportunity for the readers community to get together. It ranges from one person (just myself) to many, and I don't know who will show up until that date.
Looking forward to seeing you there and then.
Official Website: http://home.wangjianshuo.com/archives/20080821_wangjianshuos_blog_meetup.htm
Added by msittig on August 20, 2008