2309 Packard Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

How can we bring religion and public policy together in ways that preserve and enhance the integrity of both while promoting the common good?

A community forum presented by the Interfaith Social Action Task Team (ISATT) & The Interfaith Alliance (TIA)

I. Keynote Speaker: Rev. Welton Gaddy, Founder of The Interfaith
Alliance (TIA), Wash., DC. What is TIA and what are its central goals? Alternate speaker is Rev. Romal Tune, Clergy Strategic Alliance, Wash., DC.

II. Speaker: Professor Douglas Laycock, U-M Law School / The Supreme Court and Religious Liberty: What are the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the First Amendment, and what has the court done with them?

III. Speaker: Judge Richard Halloran - Wayne County Circuit Court
What are the ten commandments and how important are they in American law?

IV. Speaker: Professor Douglas Laycock - What would it look like in America if the government were to legalize certain religious beliefs by making them the basis for public policy?

V. Speakers: Rabbi Bob Levy, TBE, Ann Arbor, Rev. Joseph Summers, Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, Ann Arbor, Dawud Walid, Ex. Dir., Council on American-Islamic Relations of Michigan, and others TBD. Should government tell us what religious beliefs we have to hold? What is the value of religious diversity in America? What is religious nationalism and why should we be mindful of it?

VI. Discussion and Questions: Steps to take to preserve and enhance the integrity of both religion and law by keeping law from embodying certain religious beliefs.

For more information about the forum, contact mark wenzel (mswenzel@A2wenzels.com), Co-chair, ISATT

*ISATT is a project of Temple Beth Emeth & St Clare Episcopal Church, 2309 Packard Road, Ann Arbor

Added by ICPJ on September 6, 2006