Walls and Waves - Vocal Art Performance : Intermedia Composition by Bettina Wenzel and Aparna Panshikar.In collaboration with the NCPA and UTV World Movies. Bettina Wenzel composes and develops vocal pieces and intermedia performances. Her compositions are a constant endeavour into vocal sounds,that reach beyond the limitations of the human voice. Since 2000 Bettina Wenzel has been presenting her vocal work in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slowakia, India and the United States. As an improvising musician she has collaborated with many artists among them hans w. koch, Thomas Lehn, Michael Vorfeld, Manual Mota, Simon Nabatov, Josef Novotny, Achim Tang, Joker Nies, Andreas Wagner, Lawrence Casserly and many others. Bettina Wenzels stay in Mumbai is part of the artist-in residence programme of the NRW art Foundation, Germany, supported by the Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai. During her stay in Mumbai Bettina Wenzel will acquaint herself with various facets of the local cultural scenario and interact with Mumbai based artists, literary personalities, dancers and musicians. This exchange of ideas and concepts will culminate into an art presentation at the end of her stay. Apart from Mumbai, the artist-in-residence programme is running also in Istanbul and Tel Aviv. Aparna Panshikar, a noteworthy performer among young musicians will join Bettina Wenzel in 'Walls and Waves'. Aparna is Known for her voice range and its tonal quality. Skillful voice application, depth and weightiness of rendition, confident improvisation and clarity in taans are highlights of her performances. The artist-in-residence progarmme Mumbai is initiated and organized by the Kunststiftung NRW (Art Foundation Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) in in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai. As a part of this project Indian artists will also visit Germany under a similar residence progarmme. The first two German artists Bettina Wenzel and Alke Reeh are in Mumbai for a six month long stay from the field of Music and visual arts respectively. It is expected that the artists observe the current local arts scene and development thereof, build contacts and create a network, exchange ideas and develop artistic propositions and introduce new impulses in their respective arts scene or performing artists.
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Added by buzzintown india on May 5, 2009