Walk To Stop the Silence: Stop Child Sexual Abuse with Youth Out Loud
Youth Out Loud has organized the first ever Walk in Canada to raise awarness about child sexual abuse. Our goal is to be loud and visible, and to raise money for 3 non-profit organizations that work with youth. The day includes a one-hour line up of speakers and performers, a 4-k walk along Queen Street, an art and writing display area in the square, info. tables and much more. Help Youth Out Loud raise awareness and show up on May 21st with registration forms in hand! STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!
May 21, 2006
11AM Registration
Youth Out Loud & The Walk to Stop the Silence:Stop Child Sexual ABuse
Nathan Phillips Square
Official Website: http://action.web.ca/home/twb/events.shtml?x=86605&AA_EX_Session=c8e23fe7cdd7480114700536088720e7
Added by saira on May 19, 2006