'Walk for Peace and Nonviolence' in Liberty City this Saturday (10-20)
I would like to personally invite you to attend a very special 'Walk for Peace and Nonviolence' in the Liberty City Housing Projects in Miami this Saturday (October 20) between 9AM to 1PM
On a personal note, I'm requesting your support for this event more than any other event. I think it's an honor to be able to do our 'Walk for Peace' in Liberty City in conjunction with the National Walks supported by www.ThePeaceAlliance.org This very special city needs more love, attention and all the life saving plans that come with the passage of a U.S. Department of Peace Bill (HR-808). This is a city that needs our help, a hand and some hope. So please join us on Saturday in person or spirit. Help us continue to create a positive change in all our communities by standing united with our neighbors, for a better world and by beginning locally in South Florida.
If you can't attend this event personally, you can still help by inviting your friends, forwarding this email to anyone you know who would be interested in supporting this walk or any South Florida press people you know. Your help is appreciated!!
Attached is a flyer for you to download as well. Thanks! See you Saturday!
Ana Campos
State Coordinator for Florida (South Florida Region)
US Department of Peace and Nonviolence
'One little person giving all of her time to peace, makes news....
Many people giving their time to peace, makes history.'
Photos: www.Picturetrail.com/DepartmentofPeaceFlorida
MySpace: www.MySpace.com/DepartmentofPeaceFlorida
Website: www.orgsites.com/fl/departmentofpeace/
Main Website: www.ThePeaceAlliance.com
JOIN THE 'Walk for Peace and Nonviolence' in Liberty Square this Saturday (10-20)
The South Florida Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence, Liberty City Trust, Weed and Seed, Lofty Ideas, For Us NonViolence Teens (FUNV) and Unite for Peace invite you to:
Walk for Peace and Nonviolence
What: It's a Walk for Peace and Nonviolence
When: This Saturday, October 20, 2007 Check In: 9AM
Where: Liberty Square Community Center 6304 NW 14th Avenue Liberty City,FL
Why: We are walking from Liberty Square down Martin Luther King Boulevard. We will send a positive message to the world, that Peace
begins with us and it only takes a few steps in the right direction. Information will be available about how you can create a better world
and help pass a law about Peace and Nonviolence by establishing a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence in our government (HR-808).
Who: YOU, your friends, and family ready to create a positive movement towards a culture of peace and away from violence.
You may bring a Pro-Peace Sign or Flag. PLEASE NO Anti-War,Anti-anything Signs! This is not a protest! This is a time to unify, stand and walk for peace!
Contact Ana Campos ACampos_2001@yahoo.com for more info
Official Website: http://www.MySpace.com/DepartmentofPeaceFlorida
Added by DOPSouthFlorida on October 18, 2007