1033 Springfield Ave
Cranford, New Jersey 07016


Let’s meet up after work for a Summertime “Walk and Talk” around the perimeter of Nomahegan Park. The idea will be to meet other Young Professionals who live locally while spending some time outside, breathing in the summer air.

Who Can Join Us:
This is a “Members Only” FREE event. You must be a Member, aka you paid your Membership Dues. Please RSVP for updates.

We will do the paved loop around Nomahegan Park, twice.
The total distance will be 3-4 miles and should take about 1 hour.
Pace will be brisk but slower than power walking.

What to Bring:
Sneakers or good walking shoes will be fine. You can probably even do flip flops if you have a tolerance.
Water and Bug Spray.

Post Event:
Lets head over to The Office Bar and Grill (3 South Ave, Cranford) just 1.5 miles away for drinks and dinner. Bring driving directions with you please and meet the group in the bar area or outside.

NJYP Host:
We need a volunteer host for this event. If no one steps up the event will be canceled. Email Laura@NJYP.org.

Directions to the Parking Lot:
Use Google Maps to get you here, 1033 Springfield Ave, Cranford, NJ or
Extra parking is across the street at Union County College

How to find the Group:
Meet us by the bathrooms that are joined to the parking lot. We will NOT be waiting for late comers so if you miss us try to catch up. We will walk clockwise around the park.

Added by its_supersara on June 17, 2010

Interested 1