Arusha Centre's November Infoactive Action Film:
"Wal-Town: 6 Activists, 36 Towns, 1 Corporation"
Sponsors: Public Interest Alberta, Haymarket Collective, Manana Imports, Live Green, Calgary! Take Action Grants, Great Forest Lawn Carsharing, Buy Nothing Day, Calgary District Labour Council, Calgary Dollars, Centre for Public Interest Acounting, UofC, Industry Images, NoSweatCoalition, NFB
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 7-9PM
Plaza Theatre (1133 Kensington Road NW)
Tickets are $10 at the door,
Doors open at 6PM
100% Calgary Dollars accepted
( for more info)
Dr. Ana Maria Peredo Oxford University:
New forms of enterprise are being born around the world in response to globalization. Dr. Peredo will share personal insights on better ways to do business.
Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Public Interest Alberta:
“Living wages” are key to a just and sustainable future for Alberta. Bill Moore-Kilgannon will discuss Alberta’s living wage campaign and why it’s central to the economy.
The Arusha Centre’s Action Film Series brings challenging films and
performances to Calgary and links them to the individuals and groups working here in our city. They take place on the 3rd Wed. of every month (except August & December).
For more info on the film or the Arusha Centre, go to
Official Website:
Added by codytorgerson on November 6, 2007