1444 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 @ Sonotheque
1444 W. Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL
9pm - 2am, 21+, $3

Wake Up! 1st Tuesday's @ Sonotheque presents:
Wake Up: Experimental Music Night

Featuring performances by:
XXART (aka Traxx)
(International Deejay Gigolo / Muzique / Ghostly / Interdimensional Transmissions)

TMI (Skam, Consumers Label)

With Resident DJ's:
KATE SIMKO (Traum, Antennae International, Kupei Musika)
WILLIAM SELMAN (Background Records, Disco Inc.)
Real-time Visuals: JEFFREY WEETER



Kate Simko:

William Selman:

Jeffrey Weeter:

Flavorpill writes: "Wake Up! features
accomplished artists who are often lauded niche
performers but slip under Chicago's cultural radar... The name says it all: stop hitting
that metaphorical snooze button and open your eyes to some excellent artists."

Taking place every other first Tuesday at Sonotheque, the Wake Up! series showcases
some of the less obvious electronic music talent from Chicago and beyond.This month we are proud to welcome two veterans of the Chicago music scene: XXArt and TMI. The night will feature a rare performance by XXArt (an alias of multi-
dimensional Chicago legend Traxx) the second such performance ever in Chicago. We also welcome local idm scenester Josh Davison (a.k.a. ? of String Theory) to perform as his lesser-known alias TMI. February 7, 2006 will be a night that gives these two talented local producers a space to expand outside of their expected musical boundaries. Residents Kate Simko and Bill Selman will be preparing more
challenging experimental music sets as well.

out now:
Remix of Philip Glass "Houston Skyline" (OMM)
out soon:
Iguazu 7"
(Chocolate Industries - Spring 06)

Added by whitney865@aol.com on January 23, 2006