Pastors, men's leaders and their ministry teams are invited to a special WACMM training event onMarch 17 at Capital Baptist Church in Annandale, Virginia.This four-hour workshop called "Reaching Every Man" will deal with building a sustainable ministry to men in your local church. It will also be a great time to connect and network with other men's leaders in the area. The training is open to all denominations and costs $45 per man (including dinner, training materials and a copy of the book "No Man Left Behind").
For more information, e-mail WACMM Training Director Chris Van Brocklin at
chris@menwithapurpose.orgor call him at 443.922.9913.
Organized by Washington Area Coalition of Men's MinistriesThe largest Christian men's resource organization in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Ticket Info: - Registration Fee, $46.12
- Donate to WACMM, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/270562259/upcoming