W. Kamau Bell is quickly rising in the political comedy world. His critically acclaimed solo show, "The W. Kamau Bell Curve: Ending Racism in About an Hour" has played in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and all over The Bay Area. He was named Best Comedian by the SF Weekly in 2008, and this year he was just voted Best Comedian by "SF Bay Guardian" readers and the editors of "7x7 Magazine". Hailed as “one of our country’s most adept racial commentators” by Punchline Magazine, Kamau recently performed at this year’s Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal, where his set was filmed for air on HBO Canada. He's been featured some of the biggest comedian led podcasts including, Citizen Radio. The Sound of Young America, WTF with Marc Maron, & Comedy & Everything Else. You can also check him out on his new stand-up CD, Face Full of Flour or on his podcast with Living Colour's Grammy Award winning guitar player, Vernon Reid, called "The Field Negroes Guide to Arts & Culture." Margaret Cho said, “W. Kamau Bell is the most important guy doing comedy right now. Do yourself a favor and go see him. He’s got the most astute, hilarious and completely righteous material going and he’s going to be a legend in his own lifetime like Richard Pryor and Lenny Bruce. Think Bill Hicks but slightly taller."
Added by SacramentoPunchLine on November 21, 2010