695 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, California 91101

Arthur Nersesian discusses and signs The Sacrificial Circumcision of the Bronx & Joseph Mattson discusses and signs Empty the Sun

Nersesian presents the highly anticipated second volume in his Five Books of Moses series. In this volume, Robert Moses loots his brother Paul's share of the Moses family fortune, repeatedly blocks his attempts at gaining public office, thwarts his career in the private sector, and sets in motion events that will destroy Paul's home life. Paul Moses's deep-seated rage metamorphoses into an act of terrorism committed against his brother and against a city that he once cherished. Here I was, doing ninety on the Santa Monica Freeway with a quart of whiskey shoved into my crotch and my dead neighbor in the trunk. It had come time to leave Los Angeles. Thus begins the pre-apocalyptic, cross-country race against God to bury the murdered past in Joseph Mattson's Empty the Sun, an urgent, beautifully reckless novel of transgressive loss and hunted redemption, which includes a soundtrack by the enigmatic and stunning Six Organs of Admittance.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Vromans.

Added by vromansgirl on August 26, 2008