1801 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815

Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement and National CAPACD present An APIAVote Voter Mobilization Convening


Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Room 305A&B, Hawaii Convention Center
Lunch included for those who RSVP by 8/20/07
RSVP at organize@apiavote.org
At this year’s Convention, APIAVote is excited to be training and sharing with Convention participants on how their organizations can get a head start on mobilizing communities around the 2008 elections! Let’s talk about how to channel our issues and concerns into a strong, empowered community voice for the 2008 elections!
The sessions will cover the following:
* sharing of best practices & local examples, such as Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement’s very own Native Votes Count campaign
* expanding our base of volunteers and voters
* connecting the dots on how the vote in Hawaii and other key states can make an impact on Asian Pacific Islander American communities in Hawaii and nationwide

Convening organized by Christine Chen, APIAVote Executive Director

Download flyer from:

Official Website: http://www.nationalcapacd.org

Added by kamisugi on August 15, 2007

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