1219 Vine St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

The Asian Arts Initiative is looking for volunteers and nominees to be on the Curatorial Advisory Committee for an exciting new oral history project which is slated to be launched online by May 2008. The Asian Arts Initiative's Oral History Project will celebrate the Initiative's 15-year-long dedication to furthering social justice and change through the arts. The cornerstone for the project will be the testimonies of 15 interviewees who will be asked to recount their experiences as artists, community activists, staff members, program participants, etc., and note the various organizational, social justice, and performance milestones they have witnessed or participated in at the Initiative. Before the interview process can begin a committee must be convened to sort out the details; this is where you come in. Consider signing on to help out with this remarkable project.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 4, 2008