6733 Springboro Pike
Dayton, Ohio 45449

Tue, Aug 2 - Tue, Sep 13, 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm. MeadWestvaco Theatre, 6733 Springboro Pk. Learn about the forest types of the Miami Valley, invasive species impacting our forests, propagation of native trees and shrubs and techniques for successful reforestation. Most sessions will occur inside, but tours of propagation projects and lab on seed collection techniques will occur outdoors. Students will gain hands on experience through volunteer service projects, including propagating seedlings to restore damaged woods, planting native trees and shrubs and leading other volunteers propagation and planting projects. 25 hours of volunteer service required, Contact Kevin Kepler at 275-PARK x 1212 for more information.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 31, 2011