311 West 34th Street
NY, New York 10001

Voices Against Brain Cancer proudly presents the “Sounding Off For a Cure” 7th Annual Benefit Concert. A charitable event dedicated to moving the world one step closer to finding a cure for Brain Cancer. The evening promises great music, special celebrity guests (Ron Alexenburg & Darren Tieste), terrific food and drinks sponsored by local New York City restaurants, silent and live auctions and more! Funds raised will go towards cancer research.

Red Carpet Arrivals: 6:00 PM

Musical Line Up:
Buddy Rich Big Band
Arturo Sandoval
Jimmy Hopper
*** All aforementioned performers to walk the red carpet and are available for interviews

$ 150.00 (advance)
$ 300.00 (at door)
$ 500.00 (VIP)

Official Website: http://www.voicesagainstbraincancer.org/Events/2012SoundingOffForACureNY/tabid/374/Default.aspx

Added by John Criscione on June 12, 2012

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