70 Sanford St
Fairfield, Connecticut 06824

Imagine singer Cyril Neville switching verses with Tab Benoit, feet from your seat, as Johnny Sansone (Galactic) goes wild on the drums and Johnny Vidacovich (Astral Projection) rocks out on the harmonica and Anders Osborne wails on lead guitar. OK, you can stop imagining now. You’re an FTC Member and this is what happens when you support FTC and StageOne. Also on board for this rare New Orleans supergroup show is the larger-than-life Big Chief Monk Boureaux and mad Cajun fiddler Waylon Thibodeaux. They don’t call them the All Stars for nothing.

For these artists, there came a time when touring the world playing the music of New Orleans took on new meaning. Together they work to preserve their homeland through music. And as the rock arm of Tab Benoit’s non-profit Voice of the Wetlands, they can do just that. Not only are the All Stars the only band of its kind, the non-profit is the only wetlands restoration and preservation organization comprised of members who were born and raised and continue to live in the communities created from Louisiana's wetlands and they are the only organization.

Come out celebrate lively philanthropy like never before. With FTC and the Voice of the Wetlands All Stars.

Added by Jenna LeVan on June 23, 2011

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