1009 8th Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98109

Anna Bernstein of The Brain-Voice Connection (formerly Speaking Matters) is thrilled to offer voice and communication skills improvement classes this summer. This is a great opportunity for you, your colleagues and clients to learn tips and techniques that will benefit you for a lifetime, at a fraction of the cost of private sessions. Each class runs for 4 consecutive weeks and offers expert help in:

* Projecting your voice with warmth and power
* Sounding like a leader and expert
* Influencing clients and prospects with your voice
* Learning how to make The Brain-Voice Connection(TM)
* Understanding how your audience hears you with The Three Ones(TM)
* Understanding how to overcome being interrupted
* Improving breathing skills
* Increasing voice projection
* Increasing vocal variety

Each class is limited to 12 people for personal attention. Classes include lunch and meet at 5Focus, 1009 8th Avenue North.
Sept. class: Thursdays, Sept. 11, 18, 25 & 10/2.
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

I offer a money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied that you have received the training I have described by the end of the fourth session, I will return your money, no questions asked.

To register, email me to confirm space is available. All classes must be prepaid by check or www.paypal.com. Send checks to 901 S. 137th Street, Burien, WA 98168. To make a payment, click the "send money" tab, type in my email, anna@brain-voice.com, enter $220 and hit send.

Contact me at anna@brain-voice.com or 206.216.4650 if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Official Website: http://www.brain-voice.com

Added by FullCalendar on August 24, 2008

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