Centro Cultural Aztlan presents:
Opening Reception: “Voces Opuestas”, A Visual collaboration by Hector Garza and Oscar Galván Jr.
Friday September 14, 2012
6pm - 9pm
Music by: Armando R. Martinez.
The exhibit “Voces Opuestas” is the collaboration between two distinct artists who have been inspired by women and their stories. Both artists have found inspiration through the creative literary works of Latina writers Sandra Cisneros, Isabel Allende and personal experiences of family. The works within the exhibit explore a wide range of the themes that include: love, loss, traditions and cultural identity. The show honors the lives of Latina women as a true source of inspiration of strength grace and beauty. The works convey a profound sense of culture and pride which is a evident in each work of art. The works are filled with vibrant colors and dramatic brushstrokes that amplify the mood and feeling of each unique painting. The works of art illustrate a clear and surrealist point of view which challenge the viewers eye to see beyond the paint and encounter a story that lies within the heart of the artist.
The exhibit is free and open to the public. The exhibit will be on view through October 5, 2012. Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. For more information call 210-432-96. http://www.centroculturalaztlan.50megs.com/
Added by CentroCulturalAztlan on August 30, 2012