2174 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94114

Vloggercon 2006 is scheduled for June 10 & 11th @ the Swedish American Hall in San Francisco, USA.

This is not your average tech conference, kids. As the web swiftly moves toward personal creativity and collaborative interaction, the theme of Vloggercon 2006 is Content. From those that make the tools we use, to the artists who use them, Vloggercon 2006 will be the place for you to share your knowledge of the emerging medium with fellow co-conspirators.

With an emphasis on Creation and Collaboration, Vloggercon 2006 will be a place to meet, discuss, and learn from each other.

Do not worry if you are new to videoblogging-- there will be classes devoted to helping you create your own videoblog. In fact, all proceeds go directly to NODE101, a grassroots organization devoted to media education, focusing on videoblogging as a way to create and share personal narratives.

Tickets are $40 for one day, $60 for both days. No videoblogger will be turned away. If you can't pay the fee, please email us and we can work something out. We always need volunteers.

Visit http://vloggercon.com

Call for speakers - If you have an idea for a session..or want to run one, please email irinaski@gmail.com.

Added by irina slutsky on March 6, 2006



Darn, conflicts with yearlyKos in Vegas:


Not sure about the night time post VloggerCon events yet, but Kristie and I will be glad to have a few people over afterwards since we live about a block away from the venue...

irina slutsky

please do.


We will be having both friday and saturday night gettogethers:


see you all there today...