Viva la Musica, the Bay Area choir and orchestra known for its diverse repertoire and exciting performances, presents the tastiest excerpts from Parts 2 and 3 of the beloved choral work, Handel's Messiah. Featured soloists are Carla von Merz (soprano), Deidre Lobo-d'Cunha (soprano) Casie Walker (mezzo), and Rick Williams (bass-baritone). Great masterpieces of artwork, projected during the performance, enhance the beauty of Messiah for the audience.
Viva gives its audience a spring bouquet in the second half of the concert, with a delightful tune composed for the choir by Dr. Rene Ochoa entitled Viva la Musica! The popular Brindisi chorus from La Traviata provides musical champagne, and Mi Yitneni Of, an Israeli folk song, and Durme, Durme, a Ladino lullaby, will melt your heart. Rousing spirituals and a gospel number are guaranteed to lift you out of your seat at the concert's close.
Viva la Musica was honored to perform at the recent San Francisco service celebrating the life of the late Congressman Tom Lantos. Viva performs Beethoven Ninth Symphony, June 7 and 8 at the San Francisco Conservatory, John Rutter's Mass of the Children, in Los Altos, Sunday, June 15, and Mass of the Children, under the composer's baton, at Carnegie Hall, New York, Sunday June 29. Director Shulamit Hoffmann has herself just received two honors: she has been invited to guest conduct at Carnegie Hall in June 2009, and she is one of three applicants accepted this year into the doctoral program in music at the prestigious Teachers College, Columbia University.
$17 - $25.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 14, 2008