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Professor of Acoustics and Vibration, Goran Pavic, National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), Lyon, France will be presenting this seminar.
In many applications it is necessary to predict or measure sound and/or vibration emitted by sources such as machines, equipment or musical instruments. Sources of sound and vibration are often very complex, thus any precise characterisation of a source emission into a given space usually represents an enormous challenge.
To overcome the characterisation difficulties simplifications can be applied. One possibility is to replace the original complex source by a number of simple substitute sources, the purpose of which is to produce in the emission space the sound/vibration close to the original one.
This can be done by an inversion procedure which delivers the parameters of each elementary substitute source.
The presentation will outline the principle of the substitute source method and demonstrate its use via several examples.
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Added by SalfordUni on October 28, 2009