Join VISIONS for this extraordinary opportunity to exhibit and showcase your products
or services to individuals who are blind and staff who work with the blind community.
For the past two years, VISIONS Institutes were particularly successful in great part
due to the phenomenal display of assistive technology and blindness services at the
Technology Expos. This year, small groups of participants will visit the exhibit hall in
45 minute intervals, so as to afford all vendors an opportunity to demonstrate their
products to everyone. There will be no other programming offered during the
Technology Expo on Friday, July 24th.
Why participate?
ؠVISIONS Institute is the only one of its kind in the northeast USA
ؠMore than 150 blind people actively seeking employment and professional staff who work with this population are expected to be in attendance
ؠAll Exhibitors will be listed in the Institute 2009 Program Book, with a description of their products/services
What is included in the Exhibit Fee of $150?
ؠIncludes a reserved 3x 6 table, two chairs, signage and identification in printed institute materials.
ؠAccess to electrical outlets and wireless internet by request
ؠMeals/lodging for up to two representatives is included in the cost.
institute@visionsvcb.org Or Call Blindline 888-625-1616, ext. 721
Organized by VISIONS/ Services
Ticket Info: Vendor Registration, $150.00
Official Website: http://visionsinstitute-upcoming.eventbrite.com