3046 Bardstown Road
Louisville, Kentucky

Have fun making the future LIVE!

What would your life be like if you could “live out your dreams?” What if you could do, be and have exactly what you asked for?

Come Vision with us and find out!

Visioning is seeing how your world could be if you actually asked for WHAT YOU REALLY WANT, and then putting it into action with words and pictures!

Come join the fun of visioning and collage while we create our own reality with mind, magazines, glue sticks and scissors.

Bring stacks of magazines to share, and your own scissors. We will supply the poster board, glue sticks and vision exercises.

Please RSVP to insure we have enough supplies (and chairs!) on hand. Walk-ins are still welcome! NEED TO ADD JENNY’S CONTACT INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Official Website: http://www.rainbowblossom.com

Added by rainbow blossom on December 22, 2010

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