Through the Vision of Pierre Megos, audiences will discover la magie du cinéma by venturing into the fantastical, poetic world of Mr. John. The use of multiple artistic vectors is integral to Megos’ identity as an artist; and in Vision, Megos uses his mélange of passions to question and explore human nature through the projection of his surrealistic future world. Via the blue-screen filmmaking technique, viewers simultaneously experience the juxtaposition of the creation and the finished product. Vision is a fascinating and unique performance that is not to be missed.
Co-sponsored by Alliance Française and Montgomery College.
Theatre 1. General seating. MATINEE: Regular admission $10, MC IDs FREE.
EVENING: Regular admission $20, Seniors/Children/Military/Faculty & Staff $15, MC Students $5
Official Website:
Added by Cultural Arts Center Montgomery on March 14, 2013