On December 12, 1531, on a hill called Tepeyac in Mexico, a middle age Indian named Juan Diego saw a vision of a lady whose garments gleamed of light, color and splendor. She spoke in the native tongue of the Aztecs. It is said that she summoned Juan Diego to tell the Spanish Priests to build her a temple at the sight where she had been worshiped by the Aztecs and known by her people as Tonanzin, mother of the Gods and of the Earth.
Centro Cultural Aztlan will present the annual Celebración a La Virgen de Guadalupe Art Exhibit on Saturday, December 12, 2009 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Galeria Expresión. This year's Festival Guadalupana includes the participation of San Antonio’s most noted artists that include: Maria Isabel Aguilar, Larry S. Aguilar, Janie Alonso, Bernice Appelin-Williams, Estevan Arredondo, Richard Arredondo,Roberto Botello, Gloria Calderon Emmons, Ashlee Collins, Diane DeLeon, Juan de Dios Mora, Jose Esquivel, Oscar A. Galván, Antonio(Tony) Garcia, Sandra S. Garcia, Héctor Garcia, Jorge Garza, Angelica Gomez, José Guadalupe Guadiana, Esther Guajardo, Ruth Guajardo, Frank W. Harris, Irma Hernanadez, Paul Karam, Jane Madrigal, Stella Marroquin, Victoria Montalto, Jesus Morón, Dolores Zapata Murff, Nuevo Huevo, Gricelda Nill, Emma G. Ortega, Guadalupe Ortega, Clara Palacios, Israel Rico, Laura Salazar, Anthony Saldivar, Gloria Sánchez Hart, Eugenia Silva, Raul Servin, Violet Tijerina, Jerry Tyson, Luis Valderas, Bernice Velazco, Stephanie L. Zapata and more.
Opening reception Saturday Dec. 12 from 6pm - 9pm.
Music by Liza Ybarra and Henry Brun & the Latin Playerz.
This exhibition is the oldest and most revered featuring La Virgen de Guadalupe as the main theme. For this festive occasion the reception will include tamales, buñuelos and champurrado. The exhibit is free and open to the public. The exhibit will be on view through January 22, 2010, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. For more information call 210-432-1896.
Official Website: http://centroculturalaztlan.50megs.com/rich_text.html
Added by Centro Cultural Aztlan on December 9, 2009