Over the years Violent Femmes have racked up millions of frequent flyer miles taking their music to disparate and/or absurd places ranging from gay bars to Carnegie Hall, the North Pole (where they played the northernmost concert in rock history, schools for the retarded, the Royal Albert Hall, Woodstock 94 and so on in over 400 cities in 40 countries. Theyve performed in all 50 United States.
They have ten albums out. Their first album has the distinction of being the only album in the history of Billboard magazine to achieve platinum status without ever appearing in the top 200.
But perhaps the most distinctive thing about Violent Femmes is their relationship with their fourth member which is the audience. No other band in rock has stayed active for as long while maintaining the same demographic. The Femmes have some audience members who have grown up with the band, and even some 3 generation families of fans. But for the most part the audience remains the same high school and college kids who have always been the core of the Femmes crowd. This Picture of Dorian Grey effect is unique in the world of pop music. Please join the Femmes in celebrating their third decade of insanity.
Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of Humboldt.
Added by Humboldt on February 2, 2006