Way Over Budget cordially invites you to "Vintage Playboys" a celebration of the dapper man and the ladies who love him on Friday Oct. 23rd from 7-11pm at the magnificent Gild Hall Hotel (15 Gold Street - financial district). Join hosts Poull Brien (formerly Senor Amazing) and Gabriel (Etherparty.com) for complimentary cocktails courtesy of HAVE Averna (www.avernausa.com) as well as a fine art exhibit by Alexandra Popescu-York. Luxury prizes for best dressed gentlemen at the event include a DeLuxe Smoking Jacket courtesy of Hilleso Designs (www.hillesodesigns.com) and a specialty handkerchief courtesy of The Fine and Dandy Shop (www.fineanddandyshop.com). go to http://www.wayoverbudget.com/events/invitations/invite2.html to view the invite and RSVP here http://www.wayoverbudget.com/rsvp53.html no later than Friday at noon for special reduced admission ($5) at the door.
Added by dayva.c.segal on October 18, 2009